Jen Hall

Kinesiology is a relatively recent healthcare system developed around the science of muscle testing. It was originally discovered in the USA in 1964 by Chiropractor Dr George Goodheart. He found that the body can reveal a lot of information by tapping into its intricate systems and helping to remove stresses preventing homeostasis or health balance. This was called Applied Kinesiology and it has been continually tested and researched by thousands of clinicians worldwide. 

Brian Butler first brought basic Applied Kinesiology to the UK (with the founder's permission) for it to be known as Systematic Kinesiology. This refers to looking at the body in a systematic way.

Proprioceptors (specialised biocomputers in the brain) track more than 600 muscles, energy paths, organs, mental states, circulation, digestion, elimination and more, involving billions of pieces of data. This is done via the body's nervous system to create mental, physical, chemical and electrical balance.

Kinesiology can detect any 'misfired' messages by a weak muscle test and correct them before any symptoms show, giving the body it's requirements for restored health. After all, 95% of the nervous system (branching off from the spine) has no pain receptors therefore health does not mean a lack of symptoms.

Kinesiology is a natural and drug free therapy which uses various techniques (including acupressure, chiropractic, cognitive and nutritional therapies), to find and restore any circuit malfunction within the body's message systems. Energy (also known as 'Chi') runs through the acupuncture meridian points of the body and pain or muscle tightness indicates stored energy and/or emotion. This can build up, flooding the meridian points and overwhelming the body, leading to stagnation and toxicity which can be followed by emotional issues or even disease. When pain and tension are released, the blocked energy is cleared restoring balance to the body and once more allowing the blood and lymphatic systems to run smoothly. Nutrition and oxygen supplies are increased and elimination systems are enhanced.

Kinesiology is dynamic and can often produce immediate results. Clients can benefit in all areas of life including the identification of food sensitivities, more restorative sleep, personalised nutritional requirements, dealing with fears, phobias and traumas, improved self confidence, healthier relationships and an over all enhanced quality of life.

Balance is something that every living thing in nature needs in order to thrive and humans are no exception.


Initial Consultation & Session - £90.00 (allow up to 1.5 hrs)

Follow up Session - £60.00 (allow up to 1 hr)

Please note that (due to the location of my clinic) I am currently specialising in ladies only. However, I can work remotely which is available to all. Please contact me for details.     
Kinesiology (What is it ?) Video

 Kinesiology - Demonstration Video

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